Road infrastructure

Multisensor systems for condition monitoring of road surfaces and road environments

Fraunhofer IPM develops optical measuring systems to measure the road environment and the road surface. High-resolution laser scanners combined with fast image processing provide measurement data on longitudinal and transverse evenness and crack density of the road surface. Based on this data, maintenance work can be planned specifically. Measurement data on the road environment, converted into 3D or 2.5D models, are used to model cities and their traffic flows or to plan infrastructure expansion. In many cases, Fraunhofer IPM offers software for automated data evaluation in addition to measurement technology.

Our systems record measurement data down to the submillimeter range at driving speeds of 80 kilometers per hour and more - precisely and reliably. Fraunhofer IPM measuring systems for road condition monitoring are in operation worldwide.


Longitudinal / Transverse Evenness


We provide the technology for a detailed three-dimensional height profile.


Structural Features



By using laser-based measurements, we can record the surface structure of roads at speeds of up to 80 km/h in high resolution. In the process, our laser systems generate images - without the use of cameras. 



Road Environment



3D and image data enable construction planning from the desk. No site visits are required.


Tunnel Condition Monitoring


The multidimensional inspection system CPS-Plus determines the geometry and surface structure of tunnels and also possible water leaks.

Further information


Press release / 10.6.2024

New software and hardware for survey vehicles

Geotechnik GmbH, a surveying service provider, is using a mobile mapping vehicle with a completely revised software. The vehicle is equipped with a laser scanner and high-resolution cameras and delivers 3D planning data for municipal infrastructure planning.


Press release / 22.11.2022

The city as a digital twin

In the MuSiS research project, Fraunhofer IPM and GmbH have joined forces to develop a process for creating a digital twin of urban environments quickly and with deep granularity.

Safe & reliable

Our laser scanners are eye-safe and designed for application in public spaces!




Fraunhofer IPM is member of the Fraunhofer Traffic & Transport Alliance.