Im Harsh Environment Laboratory testen wir Sensorkomponenten und Sensorsysteme unter extremen Bedingungen.

Highly integrated electronic components for use in industrial environments have to withstand extreme pressures or temperatures. In its HE-Lab, Fraunhofer IPM tests the sensors at pressures of up to 2500 bar and temperatures of up to 250°C.
For use in harsh environments, sensors must be particularly robust. Fraunhofer IPM has a specially developed measurement laboratory for the development of such sensors and systems. In the »HE-Lab«, we test individual components and complete systems under extreme conditions, e.g. at high temperatures and pressures, on behalf of our customers.
Measuring station specifications
- Pressure: up to 2500 bar @ 200 °
- Temperature: up to 250 °
- Working medium: wate
- Specimen size
- Component test stand: DM 30 mm x L 130 m
- System test stand: DM 120 mm x L 1000 m
- Readout of measurement data during measurements possible
You are developing sensors that have to function under extreme conditions? Then take advantage of our highly specialized measuring station and our know-how in sensor development. Please feel free to contact us.