Photoacoustic spectroscopy

Gases can be detected very precisely and selectively by means of photoacoustic spectroscopy (PAS). Alexander Graham Bell already described the basic measurement principle in 1880: If a gas sample in a measuring cell is irradiated with a pulsed light source, the gas molecules will absorb the light and the gas sample will heat up. Given a constant volume size of the measuring cell, this will produce acoustic waves whose frequency matches the modulation frequency of the light source. These acoustic waves, i.e. the photoacoustic signal, can be detected with sound transducers (e.g. commercial MEMS microphones). The signal amplitude correlates with the strength of the absorption and thus provides information about the gas concentration in the measuring cell.

Resonant and non-resonant measuring cells

© Fraunhofer IPM
Schematic view of a resonant photoacoustic chamber
© Fraunhofer IPM
Schematic view of a non-resonant photoacoustic chamber

The geometry of the measuring cell is essential for the sensitivity of the photoacoustic detector. The detector can either be operated resonantly or non-resonantly. In resonant operation, the modulation frequency of the light source matches the acoustic resonance frequency. This amplifies the detected signal. In non-resonant operation of a photoacoustic detector, the modulation frequency of the light source (typically a broadband IR emitter) is far below the acoustic resonance frequency of the measuring cell. The generated acoustic waves are therefore not amplified further.

LED, laser or IR-emitter as light source

© Fraunhofer IPM
Resonant photoacoustic sensor with an LED as light source
© Fraunhofer IPM
Resonant photoacoustic sensor with a laser as light source

Depending on the target gas and application, different geometries of measuring cells and different light sources are selected. Both factors essentially determine the price and size of the gas measurement system. Cost-effective measurement systems that use LEDs as light sources, for example, can determine the target gas concentrations very sensitively (in the 1 ppm range). If lasers are used as light source, the sensitivity of the measurement systems reaches values in the low ppb range.

Two examples: For a compact SO2 measurement system used for emission measurement in the exhaust gas scrubber on ships, Fraunhofer IPM employs a resonant measurement cell with a UV LED as light source. Thus, the required high resolution of 1 ppm in the measuring range up to 50 ppm SO2 is achieved. For a miniaturized photoacoustic CO2 sensor used for the detection of indoor air quality, a non-resonant measuring cell was combined with a broadband IR emitter and a MEMS microphone. This allows a particularly small sensor, which in this case has a sufficient sensitivity of 50 ppm in the measuring range up to 5000 ppm CO2.

Applications »Photoacoustic spectroscopy«


German Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Project »Contect-R«


Gas sensor-based analysis system for determining the purity of refrigerants


European Community

Project »RedFinch«


Mid-Infrared Fully Integrated Chemical Sensors


European Community

Project »E-MASUM«


Clean marine diesel through sulphur dioxide detection


German Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Project »PaSiC«


Silicon-ceramic hybrid substrate as integration platform for photoacoustic and optical applications

Publications »Photoacoustic Spectroscopy«

Publication Type
2024 Towards a Miniaturized Photoacoustic Sensor for Transcutaneous CO2 Monitoring
El-Safoury, Mahmoud; Weber, Christian; Yassine, Hassan; Wöllenstein, Jürgen; Schmitt, Katrin
Journal Article
2024 Improving the performance of artificial neural networks trained on synthetic data in gas spectroscopy - a study on two sensing approaches
Goldschmidt, Jens; Moser, Elisabeth; Nitzsche, Leonard; Bierl, Rudolf; Wöllenstein, Jürgen
Journal Article
2024 Photoakustische Detektion von BTEX-Komponenten im UV-Bereich
Hamburger, Miguel; Herbst, Johannes; Strahl, Thomas; Brunner, Raimund; Weber, Christian; Schmitt, Katrin; Wöllenstein, Jürgen; Kondziella, Ralph
Conference Paper
2024 Miniaturized two-chamber photoacoustic CO2 sensor with a wafer-bonded MEMS (micro-electro-mechanical systems) detector
Gaßner, Simon; Essing, Simon; Tumpold, David; Schmitt, Katrin; Wöllenstein, Jürgen
Journal Article
2024 Detection of SO2F2 Using a Photoacoustic Two-Chamber Approach
Yassine, Hassan; Weber, Christian; Eberhardt, Andre; El-Safoury, Mahmoud; Wöllenstein, Jürgen; Schmitt, Katrin
Journal Article
2024 Miniaturisierter CO2-Sensor mit wafer-gebondetem photoakustischen MEMS-Detektor
Gassner, Simon
Doctoral Thesis
2024 Miniaturized Photoacoustic Sensors for the Detection of Trace Gases in Ambient Air
Weber, Christian
Doctoral Thesis
2023 Resonant photoacoustic cells for laser-based methane detection
Schmitt, Katrin; Sendelbach, Mara; Weber, Christian; Wöllenstein, Jürgen; Strahl, Thomas
Journal Article
2023 Miniaturized SMD-Reflow-Capable Photoacoustic CO2-Sensor Using a Dual-Chamber Approach
Gaßner, Simon; Essing, Simon; Tumpold, David; Schmitt, Katrin; Wöllenstein, Jürgen
Conference Paper
2023 Photoacoustic methane detection inside a MEMS microphone
Strahl, Thomas; Steinebrunner, Jonas; Weber, Christian; Wöllenstein, Jürgen; Schmitt, Katrin
Journal Article
2023 How to Turn a MEMS Microphone Into a Photoacoustic Sensor: An Experimental Study
Strahl, Thomas; Steinebrunner, Jonas; Weber, Christian; Wöllenstein, Jürgen; Schmitt, Katrin
Conference Paper
2023 Novel approach for efficient resonance tracking in photoacoustic gas sensor systems based on a light-induced wall signal
Weber, Christian; Kapp, Johannes; Wöllenstein, Jürgen; Schmitt, Katrin
Journal Article
2023 Evaluation of Photoacoustic Detectors for Methyl Bromide Sensing
Yassine, Hassan; Weber, Christian; Wöllenstein, Jürgen; Schmitt, Katrin
Conference Paper
2023 Towards a Miniaturized Photoacoustic Detector for the Infrared Spectroscopic Analysis of SO2F2 and Refrigerants
Yassine, Hassan; Weber, Christian; Brugger, Nicolas; Wöllenstein, Jürgen; Schmitt, Katrin
Journal Article
2022 Verfahren und Sensor zum Bestimmen einer Konzentration eines Zielgases im Blut eines Lebewesens
Schmitt, Katrin; Weber, Christian; Wöllenstein, Jürgen; Yassine, Hassan
2022 Fluidmesszelle für einen photoakustischen Sensor
Weber, Christian; Kapp, Johannes; Schmitt, Katrin
2022 Gasmesszelle für einen photoakustischen Sensor und Verfahren zum Erfassen einer Eigenschaft eines Probengases
Weber, Christian; Kapp, Johannes; Schmitt, Katrin; Strahl, Thomas; Sendelbach, Mara
2022 LED-basierter, miniaturisierter photoakustischer CO2-Sensor zur Umgebungsluftüberwachung
Weber, Christian; Yassine, Hassan; Eberhardt, Andre; Schmitt, Katrin; Wöllenstein, Jürgen
Conference Paper
2022 Anodically Bonded Photoacoustic Transducer: An Approach towards Wafer-Level Optical Gas Sensors
Gassner, Simon; Schaller, Rainer; Eberl, Matthias; Koblinski, Carsten von; Essing, Simon; Ghaderi, Mohammadamir; Schmitt, Katrin; Wöllenstein, Jürgen
Journal Article
2022 Miniaturisierter transkutaner Sensor für die Überwachung der CO2-Blutgaswerte
El-Safoury, Mahmoud; Weber, Christian; Yassine, Hassan; Wöllenstein, Jürgen; Schmitt, Katrin
Conference Paper
2022 Resonante photoakustische Zellen zum laserbasierten Methannachweis
Schmitt, Katrin; Sendelbach, Mara; Strahl, Thomas; Weber, Christian; Wöllenstein, Jürgen
Conference Paper
2021 On-Board Monitoring of SO2 Ship Emissions Using Resonant Photoacoustic Gas Detection in the UV Range
El-Safoury, Mahmoud; Dufner, Miguel; Weber, Christian; Schmitt, Katrin; Pernau, Hans-Fridtjof; Willing, Bert; Wöllenstein, Jürgen
Journal Article
2021 Comparison of laser-based photoacoustic and optical detection of methane
Strahl, Thomas; Herbst, Johannes; Maier, Eric; Rademacher, Sven; Weber, Christian; Pernau, Hans-Fridtjof; Lambrecht, Armin; Wöllenstein, Jürgen
Journal Article
2020 Smart Technologies for Indoor Environmental Quality Control
Ortiz Pérez, Alvaro
Doctoral Thesis
2020 Gassensor-basiertes Analysesystem zur Bestimmung des Reinheitsgrades von Kältemitteln (CONTECT-R). Schlussbericht
El-Safoury, Mahmoud; Weber, Christian
2020 The Optimization of a Photoacoustic Refrigerant Sensor System Using a Three-Chamber Concept
El-Safoury, Mahmoud; Weber, Christian; Wöllenstein, Jürgen; Kiesewetter, Olaf
Conference Paper
2020 Miniaturized photoacoustic detection of organofluorine-based refrigerants
El-Safoury, Mahmoud; Weber, Christian; Kiesewetter, Olaf; Hespos, Yvonne; Eberhardt, André; Schmitt, Katrin; Wöllenstein, Jürgen
Journal Article
2020 Micro PA detector: Pushing the limits of mid IR photoacoustic spectroscopy integrated on silicon
Coutard, Jean-Guillaume; Berthelot, Audrey; Glière, Alain; Lhermet, Hélène; Scherer, Benjamin; Strahl, Thomas; Teulle, Alexandre; Verdot, Thierry
Conference Paper
2019 Photoacoustic Detection of CO2
Kühnemann, Frank
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2019 Novel Concepts for Miniaturized Photoacoustic-based Gas Sensing Devices
Scholz, Louisa
Doctoral Thesis
2019 Resonant Photoacoustic Spectroscopy of NO2 with a UV-LED Based Sensor
Kapp, Johannes; Weber, Christian; Schmitt, Katrin; Pernau, Hans-Fridtjof; Wöllenstein, Jürgen
Journal Article
2019 Photoacoustic cell on silicon for mid-infrared QCL-based spectroscopic analysis
Coutard, Jean-Guillaume; Glière, Alain; Fedeli, Jean-Marc; Lartigue, Oliver; Skubich, Jules; Aoust, Guillaume; Teulle, Alexandre; Strahl, Thomas; Nicoletti, Sergio; Carras, Mathieu; Duraffourg, Laurent
Conference Paper
2019 Investigating flexible feeding effects on the biogas quality in full-scale anaerobic digestion by high resolution, photoacoustic-based NDIR sensing
Bierer, Benedikt; Kress, Philipp; Nägele, Hans-Joachim; Lemmer, Andreas; Palzer, Stefan
Journal Article
2019 Entwicklung und Charakterisierung eines photoakustischen Sensors für SO2. Schlussbericht
Pernau, Hans-Fridtjof; El-Safoury, Mahmoud; Wöllenstein, Jürgen
2019 Photoakustisches Gasmesssystem zur Bestimmung des Schwefeldioxidgehaltes in Schiffsabgasen
El-Safoury, Mahmoud; Dufner, Miguel; Weber, Christian; Schmitt, Katrin; Pernau, Hans-Fridtjof; Willing, Bert; Wöllenstein, Jürgen
Conference Paper
2019 Miniaturisierte photoakustische Detektoren für den Nachweis fluorhaltiger Kältemittel
Weber, Christian; El-Safoury, Mahmoud; Eberhardt, André; Schmitt, Katrin; Wöllenstein, Jürgen
Conference Paper
2018 Resonant photoacoustic detection of NO2 with an LED based sensor
Weber, Christian; Kapp, Johannes; Schmitt, Katrin; Pernau, Hans-Fridtjof; Wöllenstein, Jürgen
Journal Article
2018 Entwurf und Aufbau eines robusten Gassensorsystems für Biogasanlagen
Bierer, Benedikt
Doctoral Thesis
2018 Resonant photoacoustic gas monitoring of combustion emissions
El-Safoury, Mahmoud; Dufner, Miguel; Weber, Christian; Schmitt, Katrin; Pernau, Hans-Fridtjof; Willing, Bert; Wöllenstein, Jürgen
Journal Article
2018 A wireless gas sensor network to monitor indoor environmental quality in schools
Ortiz Perez, Alvaro; Bierer, Benedikt; Scholz, Louisa; Wöllenstein, Jürgen; Palzer, Stefan
Journal Article
2018 Photoacoustic gas detector for the monitoring of sulfur dioxide content in ship emissions
El-Safoury, Mahmoud; Weber, Christian; Schmitt, Katrin; Pernau, Hans-Fridtjof; Willing, Bert; Wöllenstein, Jürgen
Conference Paper
2018 Real-time gas quality data for on-demand production of biogas
Bierer, Benedikt; Nägele, Hans-Joachim; Ortiz Perez, Alvaro; Wöllenstein, Jürgen; Kress, Philipp; Lemmer, Andreas; Palzer, Stefan
Journal Article
2017 Miniature low-cost carbon dioxide sensor for mobile devices
Scholz, Louisa; Ortiz Perez, Alvaro; Bierer, Benedikt; Eaksen, Ponkanok; Wöllenstein, Jürgen; Palzer, Stefan
Journal Article
2017 Design of a LED-based sensor for monitoring the lower explosion limit of methane
Wittstock, Valentin; Scholz, Louisa; Bierer, Benedikt; Ortiz Perez, Alvaro; Wöllenstein, Jürgen; Palzer, Stefan
Journal Article
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